UTAG High Court Judgement Updates

What We Do

Our Mission is to challenge via legal recourse, if necessary, decisions we consider having an unjust or detrimental impact on the London Taxi Trade.

We will do this in two ways:

Seeking to hold Transport for London to account by taking legal action where appropriate regarding their failure to correctly regulate the statutory regime and for its failure to regulate PHV operators properly and lawfully. TFL’s primary role is to ensure the safe supply of transport services in London and it has a responsibility to ensure public safety must extend to every passenger who may come into contact with any service directly regulated by TFL, as well as cyclists, pedestrians and all other road users including members of UTAG.

Holding to account under multiple causes of action including commercial harm and the interference of the London Taxi Trade’s exclusive right to Ply for Hire. The privilege accorded to London taxi drivers in exchange for such strict regulatory requirements is that they are exclusively allowed to openly display their availability to Ply for Hire on any London street or on a Taxi Rank, whether the rank be on the road, at a Station or an Airport within the boundaries of Greater London.

Help Us Fight

We are currently being adversely impacted by a weak and ineffectual industry regulator in the shape of Transport for London and the resulting unfair competition from a number of PHV operators who have been permitted to enable drivers to unlawfully ply for hire which is the sole earned right and privilege of Licensed London Taxis.


Is UTAG a political group?

No, UTAG is a Company Limited by Guarantee and registered as such at Companies House. It was founded in September 2018 as an apolitical group to pursue action in the best interests of London Hackney Carriage (commonly known as Black Cab or Taxi) drivers and to work for the future survival of the 388 year old trade including by recourse to legal action where necessary against those whose unlawful actions risk undermining the continued successful operation of London’s world famous taxi service. 

Who are the Directors of United Trade Action Group Ltd?

The Directors are Trevor Merralls and Angela Clarkson. The board comprises two Directors and a Steering Committee from the supply of services side.  Additionally, UTAG engage a Chartered Accountant and a Chief Legal Officer.

Why is United Trade Action Ltd, limited by company guarantee?

A company limited by guarantee does not usually have an issued share capital or shareholders, but instead has members who act as guarantors. The guarantors give an undertaking to contribute a nominal amount in the event of a winding up of the company. Limited by Guarantee companies are used for non-profit organisations that require legal status.

What is required from you?

It is a fact that when the taxi trade is fully behind something, we are a formidable force. As UTAG’s action relies on donations, drivers will need to play a strong part in fundraising.  You can assist UTAG by positively promoting the message to other drivers and your customers.

How do I become a member of United Trade Action Group Ltd?

Drivers who contribute £250.00 or greater will be invited by UTAG to become a Member.

Am I due compensation?

Damages by way of compensation are not UTAG’s primary concern although they are obviously an important consideration. The central issues are to re-instate the two-tier system and to hold TFL to account over its systemic failure to regulate that two-tier system. Working out loss will be a major exercise and one that will be undertaken in due course allowing the legal team to concentrate on the job in hand.  Drivers that donate £250.00 or more shall be invited to become Members of United Trade Action Group Ltd. Should UTAG proceed with a compensation claim, only Members shall benefit from compensation paid.

What am I committing to by registering my interest in donating?

At this stage you are committing to providing your name, badge number and contact details. You are not formally committing to taking part in the litigation just by registering your information.

Will my name, personal/financial information be kept confidential? Where will this information be stored, who will see it and how will it be used?

Your information will be held securely by the UTAG and will not be shared with anyone for marketing purposes.  Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you have a legal right to request the information held about you at any time.

Can I remove myself from the group action at any point?

Once you have agreed to participate and donated to the fund you may withdraw from the legal action. However, your financial contribution may not be returned.

Are there any risks associated with me taking part?

Drivers who participate will become members of United Trade Action Group Limited (“UTAG”).  UTAG is a company limited by guarantee without a share capital. By paragraph 2 of the Articles of UTAG the liability of the individual members is limited to £1 in the event that the company is wound up.

Is the action open to businesses within the trade, or just individuals?

Unlike other legal action UTAG’s legal action(s) is open to both active badge holders and stakeholders, whose business have been and are affected by the decisions taken by TFL.

“Joining and donating to UTAG will not only help uphold the traditions of the cab trade, but help us to preserve the future of the trade and the importance of The Knowledge .”

Angela Clarkson, UTAG Director

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